Sunday, June 19, 2011

Weekend :)

I woke up on Saturday to Dr. Braun knocking on my door.  He asked me if I would like to go with him and his family to celebrate the 90th birthday of one of their friends or if I'd rather sleep over at Erika's house.  I quickly decided to stay a) because I wasn't dressed and they were leaving in five minutes and b) because I'd rather hang out with Amy, Krista, Erika, and Melanie who speak English (: I hung out at the house by myself and then headed over to Melanie's house where we played Rockband for a little while and watched movies all night...we watched Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Bend it like Beckham, Sherlock Holmes, and I.Robot :) After that I headed to Erika's house with her and Krista and spent the night here.  This morning Krista and I went running, which was pretty productive :) Today's plan is to go bowling, so that should be a lot of fun (: 
Auf wiedersehen bis morgan :)

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are doing so well. with all the food you're eating you'll come back 20 lbs. heavier :) ___ I got your Rotaract Pres. pin in as well as a regular one. Keep having fi=un.

    grampa BobBo
