Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 4

My posts keep getting shorter and shorter and unfortunately this one will probably follow that same pattern.  We didn't do a lot today, so that's why it's short :) We went to Dr. Braun's school the Johanna-Wittum Schule and we performed an experiment using gel electrophoresis to create bands of DNA.  We spent the day at the school doing this experiment (it was just us exchange students- German and American alike) and we also worked on our powerpoint for a presentation we will have to make next week for the company that is sponsoring us- Roche.  We had pancakes filled with veggies for lunch along with vanilla pudding, which had the same consistency as flan.  There was also a teacher who was showing some Iraqi refugees how to use an iron that the school had to iron their clothes, while they learned to speak German.  We ended up leaving the school around 6pm and came back the house.  I read some of my book and we went and walked around the village.  That was most of the day today and hopefully tomorrow will be more exciting so that I will have stuff to write about.  I think we are going to sit in on some classes at the school tomorrow, which should be interesting :)

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