Monday, June 13, 2011

W:2 Day: 2 and 3

Sunday was a lot of fun because we got to go back to the zoo and we went on the climbing park.  There were platforms and different obstacles like wire that you had to walk across or nets you had to climb to get to the other platforms and finally reach the ziplines.  It was a lot of fun, but I wasn't so fond of the heights and the feeling that I might fall (we were attached to cords by safety harnesses so it was completely safe, but I didn't particularly enjoy the thought of having that sensation of falling before the harness catches you)...I didn't go very far on the course, but it looked like Krista, Amy, and Melanie had a good time :) I took more pictures of them and there are some of me on it as well on Facebook.  After that we went to Alex's house to practice our presentations and then I spent the night with Alex.  She lives in an apartment so it was much smaller than Dr. Braun's house, but I think it felt a lot more cozier.
     Today, I slept in and all of the girls met at Alex's house again at 3 to practice the presentations again.  After we were done with that, we went to a carnival or fair (called "mess" in German) that was held in Pforzheim.  It was a lot of fun and we went on one ride that was fun that spun you in circles, while the whole thing was spinning.  We also went on the bumper cars and I go to try a white chocolate covered banana, which was amazing!  The booth at the fair sold chocolate covered pineapples, strawberries, or any other fruit.    When I got back to Dr. Braun's house we watched a movie called the Fantastic Movie that is a parody for a lot of the popular English movies and TV shows like Narnia, DaVinci Code, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Punk'd, Glee, Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean, Click, James Bond, and lots more.
  Sorry that my post isn't very long, but I'm exhausted and I have to get up early to catch the train for research.
Talk to you soon :)

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