Wednesday, June 15, 2011


We traveled to Switzerland today :) We took a two hour train ride and we got to sit in the first class.  The train ride was uneventful as we prepared to make our presentations.  We spent most of the day touring the Roche facilities and learning about it's history.  I unfortunately, brought the wrong type of shoes to wear (they were my only formal shoes) and so my feet were killing me the whole day and I ended up with four blisters and a bleeding toe, but now I'm soaking my feet in the tub while I'm writing this :) We got to take a tour of the pharmaceutical facility and we had to put on huge orange sterile suits, hair nets, things to go over shoes (I'm sure we looked lovely :) ).  We also ate lunch at Roche and I had roast beef and noodles, which were pretty good and then we made our presentation.  We were all nervous, but it wasn't too bad and they asked a lot of questions, but they were easy enough to answer.  After that, we walked around Basel, Switzerland for about an hour getting a sight seeing tour of the Rhine River, the cathedrals in the city, an old paper mill, a part of the fortification that surrounded Switzerland at one time, courtyards, the town house, and an art museum.  Switzerland is gorgeous and from one of the places on the tour you could see three different countries at once.  The mountains and Swiss airport in France (that's not a mistake...), the Black Forest in Germany, and the immediate view of the city in Switzerland.  Unfortunately, my camera is no longer working so I don't have any pictures to put on Facebook, but Amy did take pictures so hopefully I can find a way to post them on my wall when she puts them up :) The views are spectacular and it was amazing to see the city.  I wish we could have spent some time shopping, but most of the shops had closed by the time we were done and we had to catch our tram to eat dinner.  (We were too late to get Swiss chocolate :( ) On the train ride back we had a great time trying to get the German girls to teach us how to pronounce words in German and we also got Amy to teach us how to say yes and no in Chinese (It's EXTREMELY hard!) :) We just got back off of the train and it's past 11 and we left the house this morning before 6am. It's been a long day and I have to wake up to go to research tomorrow...I get to fraction cells!
Woo hoo! :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a great day. So proud that you got through your presentation. I also loved Switzerland. Bob Bo and I learned some words when we went to China yes it is a very difficult language
