Wednesday, July 13, 2011's been a while since I've posted

    It's been a while since I've posted anything so I have four days to catch you up on.
Sunday: worked on presentation for research and watched The Island along with Stardust later that night.  A good do nothing day.
Monday: Research and Stuttgart.  We went shopping, but didn't find anything and I was going to get Starbucks, but the line was too long and it was expensive so it wasn't worth it.
Tuesday: Research and chilling in Mannheim.  We went and laid in the grass in the park, but a police officer walked by and apparently you aren't aloud to lay in the grass there, but luckily he was nice about it and offered us a bench nearby instead.
Today: It started out normally with us making all of our connections, but the return home was a different story.  We left research at 4:10 and had to be back at the station to make the 4:36 train.  We briskly walked to the tram, but missed it by 30 seconds, which meant that we were going to miss our train.  We all wanted to get home early in order to see the USA vs France game on TV so we wanted to be home around 6 meaning we had to find an early train.  We looked up times and found a train that would get us there quickly, but Krista stopped to get pasta and Amy mentioned that we had 30 seconds to catch the train.  When we got the platform, the sign said that the train was delayed 15 minutes, which soon turned into 20, then 25, then 35 minutes.  Amy went to check other train times and while she was gone I followed Krista into a market to look at chocolate.  We returned to the platform to find Amy missing and we couldn't find her anywhere.  We looked on our platform twice and searched the station, but had no luck.  Our train finally arrived and we couldn't find Amy so we decided to get on, hoping she caught one of the other trains going to the station.  We arrived in Karlsruhe and still couldn't find her.  We were worried and somewhat bored and so we made a short video on my computer saying that we officially lost Amy.  When we got off of the train we headed to her bus station just in case she made it there and lo and behold she was there!  We exchanged stories and it turned out that she had gotten on a train on a different platform because she thought we had already left her, but we ended up in Karlsruhe ahead of her (faster train) and we had both ridden the same train in different compartments to Pforzheim.  It was a domino effect starting with the red light that prevented us from reaching the tram to get to the station.  Those 30 seconds cost us an hour of waiting in the train station, and two hours of worry.  It was funny though thtat we missed Amy's return to our platform in Mannheim because we were fascinated by the chocolate in the store (mostly Krista haha).
I got back to Braun's house and turned on the TV to watch the USA vs France game.  The USA won 3-1 and while watching it, the commentary went like this: something, something, something in German, Wambach, something, something, Wambach, something, Wambach, something, something, Wambach.  I think there was a theme in the coverage.  Now that I've brought you up to speed, I'm going to go pack for Leipzig this weekend.  It's an 8 hour car ride that I'm not looking forward too, but I'm excited to see East Germany.  We leave tomorrow and won't be back until Sunday so it should be fun.
Talk to you later,

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