Saturday, July 9, 2011


Today started out with biking around Nussbaum, which was an interesting experience given the bike I was riding.  It was a bicycle that cost over 2,000 Euros and looked like a professional one.  It was hard to get used to how it worked and I almost got run over in the process, but luckily I learned how to stop just in time.

After biking, we headed to Heidelberg and visited a student prison where the kids were kept if they misbehaved and they wrote their stories, engraved their names, and painted pictures of themselves on the walls of the prison. I even saw an engraving of the last name Schmidt on the wall.  We also visited the Castle in Heidelberg, which is the most famous castle in Germany.  After that we went shopping for a short time and I got a cute Germany bag, a few t-shirts, and some other items.  It was a lot of fun and now we're watching the Germany vs Japan soccer game.  Japan just scored a goal in thirty minutes of overtime and it was an extremely painful game.

I was just looking up the news for today and everyone is celebrating the birth of South Sudan and they raised the new flag in Juba today.  It's now official that all of the maps of the world are now out of date and we are experiencing history.  It's weird to think that some of the events I'm reading about that are going on now like the Arab spring and all of the revolutions in Africa are going to be written in textbooks years from now.  Well, I should probably head to bed now...

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