Friday, July 22, 2011

Last Post from Germany

So this is officially my last post from Germany.  It's sad that this trip had to end, but I can't wait to be home and see everybody!
I forgot to mention what happened Tuesday through Friday (today).
Tuesday, we went to research to present our powerpoints about our research to our mentor scientists.  That was really nerve wracking, but we all survived.  Afterwards, we went shopping and bought lots of chocolate! Wednesday, we had to make another presentation, but this one was about our experience in Germany.  We hadn't really worked on it so we were going to meet early in the morning at JWS so I woke up at 7 and missed Dr. Braun so I couldn't catch a ride to the school.  I got ready and waited for the bus in the rain.  The bus left at 8:15 and I got to the main station at 8:45.  I then took bus #62 to get to the school, but I had absolutely no idea which street to get off at.  I picked a random street and had to walk around for an hour and a half - walking almost a 5K and finally made it to the school dripping wet just to see that Amy and Krista hadn't informed me that they weren't coming until 11:00.  Once they did arrive though, we worked on our presentation and presented it - it went quite well.  The ceremony they had was nice and a lot of important people like the Minister of Education came to give speeches.
Thursday, we ended up going to school with the German students.  We sat through Economics- in German, Biotechnology- in German/English (actually a really interesting class where in vitro fertilization was the topic of conversation), English, and Biotechnology again.  After Biotechnology, we all went through a window and picked apples.  I went home with Alex and ate at her house and then Erika drove us to Melanie's house where we watched the Bourne Identity and Supremacy.
Today, we went to school again here for the last time and went to P.E. and Math.  P.E. was a lot of fun because we played one game where you have to throw a foam ball at people like dodgeball except there's a king that you're trying to get out.  We also played a game where you have a huge ball and you have to use any method you can to get it into your goal.  That was a lot of fun!  Math was interesting because we were split into teams (Amy and I with the Germans, and Krista with the other Germans) and they played a strategy game like Chess on the board, but to move you had to get the math problems right.  Once the Germans found out that Amy and I were good at math, we had to answer all of the questions.  Krista however didn't get to play at all because the one person who knew German wasn't even participating.  After school, we went out into the city for a little while and bought more presents.  Now I have to start packing for tomorrow.  We leave at 7:30 and our plane takes off at 11:40.  We'll be back in the states at 1:20 pm tomorrow so I should be home by 4!

Goodbye (in different languages):

ba bye - creole

totsiens / tot siens - Afrikaans (standard)
koebaai - Afrikaans (informal; derived from English "Good-Bye")
vaarwel - Afrikaans (formal)

elalleqa - Arabic

khodaa haafez - persian

aabar dekha hobey - Bengali

Donadagohvi - Cherokee

Hagoonea' - Navajo

Ahoj - Czech

Sayonara / さよなら (if you will not see them for a long time) - Japanese

Auf Wiedersehen - German
Bis dann - German
Tschüss - German

Viszlát! - Hungarian

Ciao - Italian
Buona sera - Italian

Adieu - French [add-ee-uh] 
Au Revoir - French (aw reh-VWAH)

Hejdå - Swedish

Aloha - Hawaiian

Le'hitraot - Hebrew
Shalom - Hebrew

Aavajo - Gujarat


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