Yesterday at research nothing out of the ordinary occurred besides the fact that I've been having problems with getting results and one of my films turned out completely blank, which is not a good sign. Today, I redid the latter half of the experiment and it turned out that I had used the wrong secondary antibody. Instead of using the HRP against mouse antibody, I used the marker lysate I had made previously that week. They both had an 'm' on the top of the lid and I had assumed they both meant mouse. Whoops...but now I have results and I have to work on my presentation and paper all next week.
Today, we decided to go to Stuttgart after research and it has the largest mall/shopping center in all of Germany. It was extremely impressive and the overall atmosphere and architecture made the trip worth it. We only had time to go into one store because the lines were so long and there were too many people, but I did get some shorts. Hopefully, we will be able to go back and get more clothes. Tomorrow we're going to Heidelberg- tourist central, and there I hope to find things to buy. Also, I learned from Krista that South Sudan is becoming it's own country tonight at midnight, which means that tomorrow all of our maps will be wrong. And in England, people are camping out to see the viewing of Harry Potter 7 Part 2 and they ahve recreated Hogsmeade accompanied by wand shops, etc in England. People have come dressed up in Hogwarts robes and are excited to catch glimpses of the actors/actresses when they arrive for the viewing. Wish I was in England right now...It's sad that we won't be able to see the movie when it comes out even though it officially premiers here on July 12th. That's all for now.
it turned out that I had used the wrong secondary antibody. Instead of using the HRP against mouse antibody, I used the marker lysate I had made previously that week. They both had an 'm' on the top of the lid and I had assumed they both meant mouse. Whoops ___ I make that mistake all the time :)